Representing clients accused of theft or fraud is a major component of our Jacksonville criminal practice. With the experience gained in hundreds of similar cases, the attorneys at Hussein & Webber, PL have the practical and technical knowledge to fight an array of theft and fraud charges. Our case experience includes:
- Petit Theft
- Grand Theft
- Employee Theft
- Worthless Check
- Stopping Payment on a Check
- Dealing in Stolen Property
- Failure to Return Leased Property
- Welfare Fraud
- Giving False Information / Verification to a Pawnbroker
- Contracting Without a License
- Unlicensed Practice of Healthcare Profession
In theft and fraud prosecutions brought in Jacksonville and the surrounding counties of Northeast Florida, an attorney is a critical asset for protecting your rights and avoiding or minimizing the harsh consequences of a conviction. Contact Hussein & Webber, PL today for a free consultation.