DEFENDANT, pursuant to Rule 3.800(c) of the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure and Section 948.03(2) of Florida Statutes (2010), requests this Court to modify the conditions of his probation. As grounds for this motion, the Defendant states as follows:
- On November 7, 2010, this Court placed Defendant on probation for a period of 24 month probation with a condition that Defendant pay court costs and miscellaneous other fees in the amount of $446.00.
- In ordering the above-described costs, this Court also ordered that they be paid within 9 months of the sentence date.
- Due to personal financial difficulties, the Defendant will be unable to satisfy the payment of the ordered fees within the allotted time ordered by the Court.
WHEREFORE, Defendant respectfully requests that this Court modify the condition of Defendant’s probation requiring payment of costs within 9 months and extend that time to a future date determined to be reasonable by this Court.