The undersigned attorney, JOHN SMITH, of Smith & Smith, PL, requests that this Honorable Court enter an Order permitting the undersigned to withdraw from the case and from further representation of Defendant. In support thereof, the undersigned states as follows:
- On November 11, 2013, Defendant retained the undersigned to represent Defendant in the above-captioned case.
- Multiple grounds for withdrawal exist under Rule 4-1.16(b), Florida Rules of Professional Conduct.
- The undersigned has attempted in good faith to resolve these matters.
- The above-described matters constitute an irreconcilable difference and good cause for withdrawal.
- The instant Motion has been filed at the early stages of Defendant’s case, and withdrawal can be accomplished without any material adverse effect on the interests of Defendant.
- Requiring the undersigned to remain on the case would impose an unreasonable financial burden on the undersigned, and would adversely affect Defendant’s ability to defend his case.
WHEREFORE, undersigned counsel respectfully requests this Honorable Court grant this Motion to Withdraw as counsel for the above-named Defendant.